CSC elects 2nd Deputy Coordinator

Apr 10, 2024

Source: European Data Protection Board

The Coordinated Supervision Committee (CSC) has elected Matej Sironic from the Slovenian Data Protection Authority (DPA) as its Deputy Coordinator for a term of two years. Sironic will be the second Deputy Coordinator, and will work along with Sebastian Hümmeler from the Federal German DPA. A second Deputy was elected in order to keep up with the CSC’s expanding mandate. Together with CSC Coordinator, Clara Guerra, they will lead the work of the Committee.

The CSC ensures the coordinated supervision of the large EU Information Systems and of EU bodies, offices and agencies in accordance with Article 62 of Regulation 2018/1725 or with the EU legal act establishing the large scale IT system or EU body, office or agency. It was created within the framework of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and brings together the EU data protection authorities (DPAs) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), as well as the data protection authorities of the Non-EU Schengen Member States, when foreseen under EU law.

The CSC currently covers the Internal Market Information system (IMI), Eurojust, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), Europol and the Schengen Information System (SIS). Gradually, the Committee will also cover other IT systems, bodies, offices and agencies in the fields of Border, Asylum and Migration (EES, Eurodac, ETIAS, VIS, and their interoperability), Police and Justice Cooperation (ECRIS-TCN) and the next generation Prüm. You can find more information on the Committee here 

During its March meeting, the CSC also adopted recommendations for IMI actors on their data protection transparency obligations towards individuals. The recommendations aim to assist the IMI competent authorities in Member States, as data controllers, to better comply with their legal obligations. The recommendations will be disseminated to the national IMI coordinators by the relevant national DPAs. 

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