Spolek pro ochranu Osobních údaju
Czech Republic
The Association for the Protection of Personal Data is the largest association of professionals involved in the processing and protection of personal data in business, local government and public administration in the Czech Republic. It is also a professional organization of Data protection officers in the Czech Republic. The association was founded in 2014 and currently has over 250 members.
Key Facts
Vladan Rámiš
Contact Person
Vladan Rámiš, Dominik Vítek (Secretary for International Relations)
Date of incorporation
14th October 2014
Topics / Working Groups
- for DPOs
- for the processing of personal data in health care and pharmacy
- GDPR Impacts on Innovative Sector
- for the Media Sector and Journalists
- Privacy in the Financial Sector
- Direct Marketing and Internet Advertising
- for Cybersecurity
- for electronic communications
- for universities and high schools
News from Spolek pro ochranu Osobních údaju
Free Online Workshop: Adequacy Decision For the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
For members of EFDPO member associations only. Register now!
Insights Into Latest Developments in the Metaverse and the Spatial Computing
On 20.7.2023, the European Federation of Data Protection Officers in cooperation with the Czech Data Protection Association organized a seminar on "Metaverse From The Perspective of Legal Regulation and Data Protection". The topic was presented by Jana Pattynová,...
Free Webinar: Metaverse from the perspective of legal regulation and data protection
13:00 - 14:00 CETOne of the goals of the European Federation of Data Protection Officers (EFDPO) is to promote the exchange of know-how across national borders. This is achieved, among other things, by online events in which members of EFDPO member associations can...
5th meeting of Czech DPOs in the healthcare sector
On 22 June 2023, the 5th meeting of Data Protection Officers in the healthcare sector, organised by the Czech Data Protection Association, took place in Jindřichův Hradec. The event focused on the current interpretation of widely discussed topics in the field of...
Annual publication on the 5th anniversary of the GDPR
On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the GDPR, the Czech Data Protection Association published an electronic publication summarizing both 5 years of our life with the GDPR and the activities of the Association.
DPO of the Year in the Czech Republic
For the fifth time, the Czech Data Protection Assiciation has chosen the best Data Protection Officers appointed under the GDPR. This time, it selected the best and most active of them for the year 2022. The awards were presented at a ceremony held on 25 May 2023 in Prague.
New Czech Metodology on CCTV systems
The Czech Office for Personal Data Protection has launched a public consultation on the material „Methodology for the design and operation of CCTV systems in terms of processing and protection of personal data“.
The President of the Czech Data Protection Authority confirms the fine on the Czech Ministry of the Interior
A fine of CZK 975,000 (39.000 EUR) has been imposed on the Czech Ministry of the Interior for the widespread processing of data on persons who have been ordered to be isolated due to proven COVID-19 disease.
Czech methodology for legislative DPIA
The Czech Data Protection Authority has drafted a “Methodological Recommendation for Legislative Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)”.
The Transfer of Personal Data Outside The Eu Is An Important Topic For Many European Companies And Institutions
Some experts in the field of personal data protection are concerned about excessive restrictions on the free flow of personal data, especially between democratic countries, including the EU and the USA, but at the same time agree that excessive benevolence in the transfer of personal data outside the EU is not appropriate.