DPO|magazine to be launched in October

Sep 28, 2020

With all professionals of personal data protection, privacy and information security in mind, we embraced the challenge of editing DPO|magazine, a project designed, developed and implemented by APDPO Portugal.

The growing importance of the Data Protection Officer in the European business landscape and his role as a consultant, auditor and trainer in projects of implementation and management of GDPR, require him to be constantly updated and trained. Also, all professionals working in privacy and information security sector have been the target of increasing demand as computer attacks and security breaches intensify across the internet and in computer systems previously considered secure.


DPO|magazine is a free, public consultation, digital publication, available on the Internet through the domain www.dpomag.com, with the first issue scheduled for launch in late October 2020, with Portuguese edition. Although not entirely bilingual, several articles are published in English.

It is a project that will have the necessary development in order to achieve the medium term objective of being the reference publication for professionals in the sector, maintaining its position as independent and free, without party or economic interests, and without establishing hierarchies of functions in sectors of activity, in its editorial options.

The first number includes articles submitted by EFDPO members, an international federation of which APDPO Portugal is proud to be a co-founder, and we expect the collaboration and involvement of all members through the submission of articles of international interest and that provide value to professionals in the sector.

If you want to be notified when DPO|magazine launches, please visit www.dpomag.com and subscribe.

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