EDPB Annual Report 2023: Safeguarding individuals’ digital rights

Apr 22, 2024

Source: European Data Protection Board

The EDPB has launched its 2023 Annual Report. The report provides an overview of the work carried out by the EDPB in the previous year and reflects on important milestones, such as the election of Anu Talus as EDPB Chair; the adoption of two binding decisions and one urgent binding decision providing important common interpretations of data protection law and key legal principles that will shape the digital landscape; and the launch of the EDPB’s first outreach project for a general audience: the EDPB Data Protection Guide for small business. In addition, it includes examples of enforcement by data protection authorities (DPAs) at national level. 

EDPB Chair, Anu Talus said: “Looking back at the work carried out in the last year, I am proud to present this annual report. 2023 was another transformative year at the EDPB, full of notable achievements. We have built an impressive compendium of guidelines, created new cooperation methods for the DPAs, and adopted significant binding decisions which will help shape digital services. We also worked hard to raise awareness of the GDPR at the European and international level, so that individuals know their rights and exercise them, and that companies, even small ones, can understand how to comply with their legal duties.”

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