EDPB to work together with European Commission to develop guidance on interplay GDPR and DMA

Sep 10, 2024

Source: European Data Protection Board

The Commission services in charge of the enforcement of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) have agreed to work together to clarify and give guidance on the interplay between DMA and GDPR.

This enhanced dialogue between Commission’s services and the EDPB will focus on the applicable obligations to digital gatekeepers under the DMA which present a strong interplay with the GDPR, as there is a need to ensure the coherent application to digital gatekeepers of the applicable regulatory frameworks. 

Developing a coherent interpretation of the DMA and GDPR while respecting each regulators’ competences in areas where the GDPR applies and is referenced in the DMA is crucial to effectively implement the two regulatory frameworks and achieve their respective and complementary objectives.

The DMA established a High Level Group to provide the Commission with advice and expertise to ensure that the DMA and other sectoral regulations applicable to gatekeepers are implemented in a coherent and complementary manner. The Commission and representatives from the EDPB and EDPS already engaged on data-related and interoperability obligations in the High Level Group. This project builds on this engagement and deepens the cooperation in relation to the two specific regulatory frameworks.

Read more information about:

The General Data Protection Regulation
The High-Level Group
The Digital Markets Act

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