On 6 October 2022, the traditional autumn conference of the Association for Personal Data Protection dedicated to the issue of personal data processing “GDPR 2022” was held in Prague for the sixth time. The program included a variety of interesting lectures by both Czech and foreign guests. The Czech supervisory authority’s view was presented by Petr Jäger, Vice-Chairman of the ÚOOÚ. The academic sphere was represented by Jakub Harašta from the Faculty of Law in Brno. Tomáš Rychlý from the Supreme Administrative Court presented the view of the judiciary. Jan Vobořil from Iuridicum Remedium talked about the right to analogue. The commercial sphere and advocacy was represented by Jana Pattynová, Martin Cach, Michal Nohel and Michal Nulíček. A number of interesting speakers also took part in the six afternoon workshops, privacy in the doctor-patient relationship or whistleblowing.
The European Federation of Data Protection Officers (EFDPO) was prominently represented at the conference as well. After opening remarks by Jiří Kaucký, President of the ÚOOÚ, Thomas Spaeing, President of the EFDPO, gave a welcoming address. „Data protection has become a real success factor and must be thought through from the very beginning. DPOs have a central role to play here: they guide companies and authorities through in times of digitalization.“ According to Spaeing, this task is becoming increasingly demanding, especially considering the numerous new regulatory projects coming out of Brussels such as he Data Act or also the AI Act.
Also attending the “GDPR 2022” as representatives of EFDPO member associations were Dr. Christoph Bausewein (BvD, Germany) and Dr. Philipp Mittelberger (dsv.li, Liechtenstein).