June 24, 2021

15:00 – 19:00 CET 


Online Discussion Panels


EFDPO Open Talks

One of EFDPO’s goals is to create a European network of national associations for the exchange of information, experience and methods, and to improve the quality of training and professional practice.

With this in mind, EFDPO in cooperation with its member association APDPO from Portugal presents the online format “EFDPO Open Talks” as the 2nd day of the “DPO Open Talks” presented by by APDPO. The event will feature a total of four specialist panels, with experts from almost all of the currently eleven member associations.
The content of the panels will focus on professional topics such as the role of the DPO in European countries and on the other hand on questions from the specific areas of expertise: healthcare privacy as well as IT security and AI.
The discussion panels will be held in English (day one on June 23 will be in Portuguese). Anyone who would like to follow them is cordially invited to register. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions via a chat. Thanks to the generous support APDPO, registration is free of charge.



Welcome address &  introduction to the program

Thomas Spaeing, President of the EFDPO (Germany)
Drª Ines Oliveira (Portugal)

State of practice of DPOs in the EU. Harmonization or Divergence.

Jobs of DPO are layed out in the articles 37 to 39 GDPR in a harmonized way. But there is still a great difference in states of practice and a bias of traditions, differing infrastructure, etc. 

The exchange during this session aims to collect a broad view of how DPOs perform their duties throughout the EU member states.

Dr. Kai-Uwe Loser (Germany)
Mag. Judith Leschanz (Austria)
Dr. Philipp Mittelberger (Liechtenstein)
Ing. Václav Mach (Czech Republic)

Healthcare privacy in the era of COVID: apps, international cooperation and other current issues

Pierre-Yves Lastic (France)
Rui Freitas Serrano (Portugal)
Mag. Markus Kastelitz, LL.M. (Austria)
Jérôme Egli (Switzerland)

Data, AI and Cybersecurity

This panel will aim to pinpoint the basic issues arising from the data bulimia of the AI systems and the threats for cybersecurity, e.g.:

  • the level of NIS directive implementation in different European countries
  • the estimated compliance of critical companies
  • the draft of t he AI Regulation published recently
  • the discussion whether the GDPR is the right regulatory platform for compliant data management in AI systems
  • level of awareness and readiness in preventing cybersecurity incidents after a GDPR compliance program
  • the advisory role of the DPO when AI systems or applications are implemented

Spiros Tassis, LLM (Greece)
Dr. Jorge Flávio (Portugal)
Jimmy Orucevic (Liechtenstein)
Vasilis Karkatzounis, LLM, PhD (c.) (Greece)


DPO´s roles and responsibilities under Art. 39 of the GDPR – practical experience

There are numerous responsibilities assigned to the DPO and many possible ways to perform them. Let us share our experience on their pros and cons.


Alice Selby, PhD., LL.M. (Czech Republic)
Ines & Marko Krečak (Croatia)
JUDr. Eva Fialová (Czech Republic)
Xavier Leclerc (France)


Participants in order of appearance

Free Registration

Organized by

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