Jan 23 2023
4:00 – 6:00 pm CET
Discussion Panel
The Future of Data Protection in a Time of Restriction on Data Transfers
Will the world be divided into “data fortresses”?
EFDPO cordially invites members of all EFDPO associations to an online discussion session on the occasion of (but a few days before) European Data Protection Day.
Dr. Christoph Bausewein (DE), Filip Benes (CZ), Prof. Dr. Katrin Blasek, LL.M. (DE), Julian Flamant (USA), Pierre-Yves Lastic (FR), Michal Nulíček (CZ) and Ing. Dr. iur. Christof Tschohl (AUT) will participate in the discussion on the topic “Is the world being divided into ‘data fortresses’?”.
The event will be hosted by the Czech EFDPO member association SPOLEK PRO OCHRANU OSOBNÍCH ÚDAJU, with IAPP as the cooperating partner.
Only members of EFDPO member associations can participate. You can get the dial-in link through your national association. We are looking forward to your participation and to a stimulating discussion.
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