On the occasion of the Data Privacy Day, the Czech Data Protection Association participated as co-organizer (with Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic) on an online conference focusing mainly on the topic of the transfer of personal data outside EU after the CJEU judgment SCHREMS II. This online event took place under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of the Interior, the Office for Personal Data Protection and the National Office for Cyber and Information Security. Representatives of the Slovak state administration, for example from the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic, also took part. Jana Pattynová and František Nonnemann from the Czech Data Protection Association moderated the expert discussion.
You can find more information (in Czech language) here.
EFDPO Conference. 13 & 14 May 2025, Berlin
One of EFDPO’s goals is to create a European network of national associations for the exchange of information, experience and methods, and to improve the quality of training and professional practice.