Online conference”Call for GDPR update”

EFDPO, together with the Czech Association for Personal Data Protection and IAPP, co-organised the online conference “Call for GDPR update?”, which took place on 11.3.2024. Representatives of the organisers, other experts and representatives from business and civil society organisations participated in the conference.
The conference was moderated by Michal Nulíček (ROWAN LEGAL), a member of the Czech Association and IAPP. The conference was opened with a opening speech  by Mr. Petr Jäger, Vice-Chairman of the Czech Data Protection Authority, who discussed, among other things, the forthcoming procedural regulation supplementing the GDPR.
The German perspective was presented by Mr. Christoph Bausewein, member of the Board of Directors of Berufsverband der Datenschutzbeauftragten Deutschlands (BvD) e.V., who discussed e.g. the role of supervisory authorities and the EDPB as well as the EFDPO’s position on the evaluation of the GDPR.  Other speakers included Mr. Filip Beneš (ROWAN LEGAL) from the Czech Association, who addressed the issue of procedural rules and the unification of sanctions. A view from across the ocean was provided by Mr. Julian Flamant from IAPP, Senior Associate at the law firm Hogan Lovells in Washington, D.C. The business perspective was represented by Mr. Jiří Pařík, Legal Counsel at Škoda Auto, who spoke about the challenges that GDPR poses to large international companies operating in different countries. Mr. Christof Tschohl, Member of the Board of NOYB, provided in particular the views of NOYB and research institutions on the GDPR.
A panel discussion followed, which addressed other current GDPR issues.

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