New Book on AI Released by Authors from Greek EFDPO Member Association

Feb 10, 2023

Five Greek lawyers – four of them are members of our member association HADPP – wrote a new book on AI that has just been published by Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης (Crete University Press)!  The book analyzes the esential issues of whether artificial intelligence will manage to win our hearts in addition to our admiration and inspire confidence as well as awe!

“Eventhough this is the 5th collective book in which I participate, I feel that my input here has the greatest autonomy in its assumptions and analysis of innovative legal issues, since it tries to highlight the core points of a crucial scientific (but also social) discussion on the implications of the AI that has restarted recently and it will be of great concern in the upcoming years”, says one of the co-authors and EFDPO Board member Spiros Tassis.

What makes Lilian Mitrou, Spiros Tassis, Iliana Kosti, Apostolos Vorras and Vassilis Karkatzounis kindred spirits is their shared “belief in the value of democracy and fundamental rights, but at the same time love and claim to understand technology“, as professor Lilian Mitrou characteristically notes in the foreword.

The book is available here:

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