March 11, 2024
16:00 – 18:00 CET
The conference should reflect the functioning of the GDPR and the possible need for changes in relation to its ongoing evaluation.
Almost six years after the GDPR came into force, it is worth reflecting on how the regulation is working, how it is not working and where there is room for improvement. Moreover, the European Commission will be issuing a report on the evaluation and review of the GDPR in 2024. The proposal of uniform procedural rules for GDPR enforcement is being discussed within the EU legislative procedure, there are indications that the long-delayed eprivacy regulation should at least in part become part of the GDPR instead of the regulation itself and other topics.
The event is organized by the EFDPO, IAPP and the Czech Data Protection Association.
All members of national EFDPO member associations are invited to participate free of charge.
Format: Use this LINK to participate on the day of the event