Coordinated Supervision Committee appoints new coordinator

Dec 9, 2020

Source: European Data Protection Board

During its third plenary meeting, the Coordinated Supervision Committee (CSC) elected Clara Guerra from the Portuguese supervisory authority (SA) as its new coordinator for a term of two years. Ms. Guerra succeeds former coordinator Giuseppe Busia following his departure from the Italian SA for a new position as President of the Italian Anticorruption Authority. Iris Gnedler from the German Federal SA will stay on as deputy coordinator for another year.

Editor’s note:

The Coordinated Supervision Committee was established in December 2019 and its primary role is to ensure the coordinated supervision of the large EU Information Systems and of EU bodies, offices and agencies in accordance with Article 62 of Regulation 2018/1725 or with the EU legal act establishing the large scale IT system or EU body, office or agency. The Committee was created within the framework of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and brings together the EU supervisory authorities (SAs) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), as well as the supervisory authorities of the Non-EU Schengen Member States, when foreseen under EU law.

The Committee will cover IT systems, bodies, offices and agencies in the fields of Border, Asylum and Migration (SIS, EES, ETIAS and VIS), Police and Justice Cooperation (SIS, EPPO, Eurojust, ECRIS-TCN) and the Internal Market (IMI). The Committee currently covers IMI, Eurojust and the EPPO. Supervision of the remaining systems, bodies, offices and agencies will be gradually moved to the Committee over the following years. You can find more information on the Committee in the press release available here:

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