by editor.ngoy | Jan 28, 2024 | EU, general
European Data Protection Day is a day of action initiated by the Council of Europe and has been celebrated annually since 2007 around January 28 – the date on which the European Data Protection Convention was signed in 1981.
by Karsten Füllhaase | Jul 11, 2022 | EFDPO, general, Union des DPO
On July 8, 2022, the Board of Directors of the European Federation of Data Protection Officers (EFDPO) appointed Dr. Pierre-Yves Lastic, Vice-President of the French Union of Data Protection Officers (UDPO), as Secretary General of EFDPO. As Secretary General Dr....
by Karsten Füllhaase | Jul 12, 2021 | EFDPO, France, Union des DPO
On July 6 and 7, the 3rd European congress of the UDPO (Union des DPO, French association of DPOs) took place. The congress took place in the prestigious Marriott Hotel located on the Champs Elysées in Paris.
by editor.ngoy | Sep 29, 2020 | Archive, Events, France, Union des DPO
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